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Green Tara
(Arya Tara)
Green Tara is regarded as spiritual consort of Amoghsiddhi, the Dhyani Bhuddha. In her left hand which hold a half -closed lotus is often blue or red color. In the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition Tara is incarnate in all good women. She is be incarnated as the Nepali princess who married with the first Buddhist king of Tibet, Tsong Sen Gampo and credited with the introduction of Buddhism to Tibet.
綠度母於佛教被視為觀世音菩薩化身的女性菩薩,以慈悲光普照眾生。她也是不空成就佛的明妃, 綠度母的左手上多拿著一朵半開蓮花或烏巴拉花,花瓣通常是藍色或紅色。 在藏傳佛教傳統中,很多善女人都被視為度母的化身,如中國文成公主,她嫁給了偉大的西藏國王松贊乾布,將佛教傳入西藏作出深遠影響。
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