Pema Novem Yip ཀརྨ་པདྨ་ལྷ་མོ།
Thangka|Watercolor Artist|Illustrator
Novem has loved drawing and painting watercolors since she was a child.She came into contact with Buddhism much later as an adult only by fate. In her twenties, she took Refuge to formally become a Buddhist. In 2019, she was fortunate to go to Nepal to participate in a 5 month residential Buddhist Foundation Abiding Heart course organized by Mingyur Rinpoche. The mystery and sacredness of thangkas made a deep impression in her mind, so she then studied with the Nepalese thangka master Sudarshan in Katmandu to commence training on the long journey towards being a master thangka painter herself.
Apart from studying herself, she taught watercolor painting to the monks in Lekshey Ling Monastery, Kathmandu, as a volunteer. She also organised a Tibetan Thangka learning program for monks and nuns from various monasteries in Nepal, aiming to bring long-term, sustainable benefits to the monks' artistic development and help to the Buddhist monastery. In 2021, she was entrusted by Lekshey Ling as an illustrator for “A Biography of Lord Marpa” and she helped published this book in Chinese, English and Tibetan. The first batch was sent to various Kagyu monasteries in Nepal. She also began to volunteer her services as an illustrator to other Buddhist center.
Novem hopes her future thangkas can make a contribution to the precious inheritance of sacred Buddhist art; at the same time, she hopes that more contemporary illustrations can help the Dharma to spread more widely among young people and beginners.
Pema Novem Yip
自小酷愛素描和水彩,當年歲漸長,因緣接觸佛學, 20多歲皈依三寶。
2019年有幸親往尼泊爾參加由明就仁波切舉辦的 Abiding Heart 佛法課程, 被尼泊爾唐卡的奧妙和神聖深深震撼, 於是跟隨尼泊爾唐卡大師Sudarshan學習, 立志以唐卡師作為終身事業。
修學之餘為列些林佛學院義務教導僧眾們水彩畫, 並為僧侶開展藏傳唐卡學習計劃, 矢志為僧侶們之藝術發展及為佛學院帶來長遠持續性收益。2021年受佛學院託付為<瑪爾巴尊者傳記>作插畫師, 出版中英藏三文的<瑪爾巴尊者傳記>, 首批尊者傳記被派送至尼泊爾各噶舉派寺院。另開始參為其他道場作插畫。
Novem祈願日後的唐卡作品能為珍貴的傳承作一分貢獻; 同時希望可以現代插畫的形式,幫助佛法更廣泛地傳播於年輕人及初學者之間。