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Sudarshan suwal
thangka solo
The exhibition will display 15 precious original Thangka paintings. They are all made using the finest pure natural mineral pigments and then embellished with 24K gold. From canvas making and grinding pigments to painting, everything is done personally by the highly trained hands of Sudarhsan himself. During the exhibition, there will be several Paubhā painting workshops, so that everyone can try to paint in the distinctive Newar Paubhā style and understand its traditional heritage.
展覽將展出其15幅珍貴唐卡原畫,所有原畫均使用純天然礦物顏料 及24K金作點綴,從製作畫布、研磨顏料到繪畫,均由Sudarhsan全人手繪制。展覽期間將設多個Paubhā繪畫工作坊,讓大家能親自繪畫極具特色的Newar Paubhā 藝術及了解其傳統傳承。

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