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The Tibetan emphasis on authority and hierarchical order can seen in this 13th-century banner painting of deities favoured by the Kagyu Order. At the top is Prajnaparamita, representing wisdom; next to her is the spiritual progenitor of Kagyu teachings, Vajradhara. The second register begins with Shakyamuni Buddha,followed by the five Tathagatas: Ratnasambhava, Akshobhya, Sarvavid Vairochana, and Amitabha and Amoghasiddhi in the last row. The major gestures or mudras found among Buddhist images are displayed by these figures.
從這幅參照13 世紀繪制的唐卡中可以看到噶舉派中重要的上師及本尊。 上為代表智慧的般若佛母; 在她旁邊的是噶舉教法的傳承上師金剛總持。 第二排左邊起是釋迦牟尼佛,接著是五位如來:大日如来、阿閦佛、普明毗盧遮那佛,最後一排是阿彌陀佛和阿摩伽悉地。 從唐卡中我們能以各佛像所持手印來分辨佛尊。
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