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Thousand arms Avalokiteśvara


Sahasrabhuja Avalokitesvara is a another form from of Avalokitesvara. The basic image is one with eleven-heads and eight arms. Before the time of Immeasurable Tribulation, Avalokitesvara was already a bodhisattva who had dedicated his life to bringing all sentient beings to enlightenment. After a long period of time, he discovered that no matter how much he worked, sentient beings in the six realms of samsara continued to suffer. At this time, Guanyin redoubled his resolve and made a vow: "I should save all sentient beings. If I break this vow, may my body shatter into a thousand pieces!" After the Guanyin Bodhisattva experienced countless efforts and failures, his head broke into ten pieces and the body split into a thousand pieces. At this time, Amitabha Buddha appeared, and due to the strength of Guanyin's wish, transformed the thousands of pieces of Guanyin Bodhisattva into the incarnation of a thousand hands and a thousand eyes, fusing the ten pieces of his head to make eleven faces. In the Sahasrabhuja Avalokitesvara, however, some arms have more prominent position and other remaining ones are distributed on either side to form a mandala - every hand have one eyes epresenting great compassion. The eleventh head at the top is that of his master buddha, Amitabha. The tenth head is terrifying and all others are placid. The principal pair of arms are in the position of adoration while the uppermost hands hold the rosary and the full blown lotus. These four hands thus represent the aspect of the bodhisattva knows as kharchheri. The other four hands display the jewel and the gesture of charity on the right, and the pot and the bow arrow on the left.


Sahasrabhuja Avalokitesvara(十一頭千手觀音)是觀音的另一種形象顯現。基本形像有十一頭及八臂。在無量劫之前,觀世音已經是一位發心度盡眾生苦難的菩薩。但經過無盡歲月,無論他怎麼努力,輪迴於六界的眾生都仍在受苦。觀音更堅定了決心並發願:“我要救度眾生。若我退心破這誓言,我便身裂千片!” 後來又隔了相當久遠無盡,觀音菩薩經再次歷了無數的努力和失敗後,絕望中那一刹那間信念動搖了,身體碎成千片。這時,阿彌陀佛現身加持,將觀音菩薩化成具足千手千眼化身及融合成十一張臉。在這唐卡中,有些手臂的位置比較突出,其他的手臂分佈在兩側,形成一個曼陀羅-每隻手都有一隻眼睛,代表著大悲。頂部的第十一個頭是他的上師阿彌陀佛。第十個腦袋呈憤恕相,其他為慈悲相。主雙臂在供奉位置,最上面的手拿著念珠和盛開的蓮花。因此,這四隻手代表了被稱為 kharchheri 的菩薩的面向。另外四隻手在右邊展示珠寶和施予手印,在左邊展示鍋和弓箭。

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