Vajrasattva, the esoteric aspect of the buddha Samantabhadra and is commonly associated with the preliminary practices (ngondro) that a student practitioner studies and practises through the master's teachings in Tibetan Buddhism. After completing Ngondro, practitioner could learn other profound deities tantric practices. However, Vajrasattva practice is very important both in Tibetan & Nepal Newar Vajrayana Buddhism. The essence of the practice is the Hundred Syllable Mantra, which invokes the blessing and protection of Vajrasattva, to purify the karma associated with body, speech and mind.
金剛薩埵是普賢菩薩化身,是完滿的上師,以上師形象教化眾生。 在藏傳佛教中,金剛薩埵是心靈純淨的表徵,為淨化業障的本尊。金剛薩埵法門在藏傳及尼泊爾金剛乘佛教均極為重要。藏傳佛教不同派系,皆會修持傳統四加行(Ngondro)中的金剛薩埵法門,完滿四加行後,才會進行其他更深妙的本尊密續持行。金剛薩埵主要法門為念誦百字名咒,祈求金剛薩埵的加持及守護,淨化身心及業障。